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When people talk about marketing, some of them will use a lot of buzz words. Target audience personas and profiles. Landing pages. Pay-per-click. Search engine optimization and SEM. Local and voice search. Those are some of the buzzwords you might hear every day in a typical marketing agency or department. 

What Is Marketing Collateral?

Marketing collateral is another word you might hear often. To understand how you can create effective marketing collateral, you first have to know what the term refers to. Marketing collateral consists of all the marketing media that’s used to promote the sale of your products or services. From print advertisements to online ads, billboards, television commercials, radio spots and more, marketing collateral includes them all.

For your business to be as successful as possible, it’s vital for you to use the right kinds of marketing collateral. When you use the right types of marketing collateral to promote your marketing services, it can benefit your organization as well as your overall brand.

Consumer Questions

Once you know the kinds of marketing collateral you’re going to use, it’s time for you to come up with ideas for your material. If you maintain an active blog feed, you’re probably already too familiar with how difficult it can be to come up with new ideas for engaging content. While drumming up content ideas can be challenging, you have a great resource for new ideas – consumers.

When they’re learning about your products, services or company, or when they’re trying the things you sell for the first time, consumers may start to ask questions. You can use these questions to develop content ideas that speak directly to the members of your target audience.

How can you figure out what consumers are asking? You can consult your sales team and customer service representatives. You can also pour through your social media pages and the comment sections on your website. Depending on your phone system, you can mine your recorded calls for certain keywords. You can use free online tools like Answer the Public as well.

Multi-Purpose Topics

Once you’ve discussed a given topic several times or you’ve presented pieces of related content, you should use the information in other ways. One way to do this is by creating a checklist that will prevent people from having to consult several sources of information to make the list themselves.

Let’s say that you have a series of blog posts that discuss pay-per-click advertising. Why don’t you pull information from each blog post and create a handy checklist that explains how people can launch a pay-per-click ad campaign?


Once you have a series of blog posts and a checklist, you should pull it all together in an ebook. By doing so, you’re showing your clients that you are knowledgeable about everything related to your chosen topic. When your ebook is done, you can use it as the basis for some marketing collateral that’s sure to win over your existing clients as well as your prospects.

We Can Help with Your Marketing Collateral Management

There are other paths that can enable you to create winning marketing collateral and we know them all. If you need help creating highly-effective marketing collateral, we can help. We invite you to contact DB Marcom to learn how we can help with your marketing collateral management today.

Debra Barcuch

Debra Barcuch is a Texas native and lives in Frisco, Texas. As President and founder of DB Marcom, Debra is crazy passionate about helping businesses knock out the competition through innovative marketing and partnership building. Often starting sentences with ‘what if?’, she is an avid life-long learner and seeker of super-hero results. Debra received her MBA from Southern Methodist University and has built a reputation for driving results in corporate, non-profit, and agency environments. When not working on client projects, Debra loves spending time with her two girls, tennis court shenanigans, and other thrill-seeking activities.